10 Hard Truths about Coding
Coding is not a magical place, Here is what you can actually expect in the IT industry. where everyone work hard works on projects they like, and changes the world. How to prepare yourself I'm going to talk about the hard truths about coding sides
0. Without errors, you won't get better :
Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn every think. Make as many as you can, but don't make one twice.
1. A lot of your code will never be used :
As programmers, we have to consider so many super rare edge cases which won't
happen is 99.9% of the cases.
2. Deprecation is part of the game
If things get deprecated, it just means, there is a betters way to do it.
Tech continues to evolve and to keep up you need to as well.
3. You code for someone who has no idea of tech
Your users are usually tech noobs. Still you need to program your software in a way that noobs can intuitively use it. That's not always easy.
4. Different coder, Different code
You won't always deal with people who stick to best practices all the time. Sometimes dealing with others code just pure pain.
5. You will only spend a fraction of your time on coding
As a programmer you also need to deal with things like code reviews, documentation, your users needs, requirement, planning, and much more.
6. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know
Tech is a huge field. Nobody can learn it all. The more you learn, Though, the more you will find out what you still need to learn.
7. You have a ton of responsibility
Imagine you work for a hospital or a nuclear power plant, Even small mistakes can cost life, Coding field ton of responsibility to do this you duty.
8. What you love Not Ever thing you will do
I know we love to coding as well as love building things with the code. But as I said, First association of the software developer? Probably “Programming & Coding" But it’s not the first associations for companies. Their association is “ solve our problem with coding” The truth you are paid not for “just coding,” you are
paid to solve real world business problems with code. And if you can solve them
with coding, Companies will still pay you
9. Work with technologies you don’t know
Today technology is trending, Technology is evolving at rapid pace, enabling faster changing progress. Every day IT professional in 2021 will constantly learning new technologies. because technology update everyday.