GSoc absolute beginner all about GSoc 2021 , Google summer of code How to get participate & contribute open source project :-
1. What is GSoC ?
- You learn how to develop a project professionally.
- Google tag that helps you in your resume.
- You get a chance to connect with awesome people (mentors and other developers).
- Your resume becomes attractive that definitely helps you in good career and Job.
- You earn minimum $1500 USD and Maximum $3300 USD.
- You will get to learn about the working of an industry in just 3 months.
- Your software development skill will be enhanced during this period.
- You will build a network of people having the same mindset.
- You get one time referral for interviews at Google.
- Learn new technologies and Experience.
- You will get chance to work with the real world Software developers.
- You get a chance to Big MNC.
Google Summer Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers in to open source software development. And open to all college student (18+). 10 weeks Open Source Program and Stipend $1500 in Indian rupees 109200INR. If you want to be a participate the Google Summer of code than you will bee know about the Open Source. Let’s discues about little bit Open Sources.
“Source Code” is the collection of code, written by human readable programming language. Open source code is the part of software that mostly users don't ever see. Anyone can manipulate and change a piece of software so that the program or application can work. Programmers who have access to a computer program source code can improve a program by adding features to it or fixing parts that don't always work correctly.
There are two kinds of software. One is open source software
and the other is proprietary software or closed source software.
Git is a
distributed version control tool that can manage a programmer's source code
history. GitHub is a cloud-based tool developed around the Git tool. GitHub
is an online service to store code and push from the computer running the Git
Step3. Get in touch with the community.
Step4. Prepare your project proposal.